Marketing Assistant

Unlock your online potential: Personalized content solutions for insurance agents to boost your social media presence

What you need to know:

  • Marketing Assistant will launch April 1, 2024 to replace and upgrade the current marketing product offered by Integra.
  • We'll manage your social media platforms, enhancing your online presence by posting content that engages and informs your audience, and in return, attracts more customer interaction.
  • The content will focus on either insurance-related topics or subjects that resonate with middle-aged, middle-class consumers, including common interests, hobbies, talking points, and concerns.
  • Illustrations, including graphics, photos, and short animated videos will be co-branded with ia blueprint & your agency.
  • All of that for the price of $195 per month.

We will post on the following social media platforms if you have them:

With more platforms coming in the future!

Types of Content

We will follow the 5:3:2 rule. Out of every 10 posts..


Content from other sources relevant to your audience.


Content created about insurance specifically that is relevant to your audience.


Content created that is personal, fun, real, and that humanizes your business.

Schedule and Frequency

About 10 posts per month

Week 1
  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Friday
Week 2
  • Tuesday
  • Thursday

Week 3
  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Friday
Week 4
  • Tuesday
  • Thursday

Tracking Analytics


The number of reactions on your post. The reactions button on a post allows people to share different reactions to its content.


The number of comments on your posts on each different social platform and what type of content was posted.


The number of times the photo in your post was viewed. Photo views are counted when people click on photos to view them.


The total number of times a particular piece of content has been displayed on users’ screens.


The number of times people engaged with your post through reactions, comments, shares and clicks.


The number of people who saw any of your posts at least once. Reach is different from impressions, which may include multiple views of your posts by the same people.