Too Close to See Clearly

Too Close to See Clearly

Sometimes, we’re too close to a problem to find the solution. We need distance—a new perspective.

Take Indie, the owl, for example. He spotted a mouse and almost swooped down, but something felt off. Instead of rushing in, he shifted to a higher branch. From there, he saw a snake poised to strike at the same mouse. The right choice became obvious: move on.

Recently, at a conference for insurance agents called Applied NET, I met a couple while there, and we talked about business and life. It is one of my favorite things to do. 

The lady expressed that she was feeling stuck in her business. After talking with her, I realized she already knew the solution, but she couldn’t see it. She was too close.

Even Abraham Lincoln understood this. He surrounded himself with people who challenged him—people who could see what he couldn’t.

We all need that. Find people who’ll give you the truth, even when it’s hard to hear. Distance and perspective can make all the difference.