ia Blueprint Onboarding - PL Task List
This is about different things you can get your virtual employees to do. These can be virtual employees or remote employees or your employees you've got inside of your office. The thing to focus on is the skill set that they have, not necessarily just where their location is. It's more important to think about what kind of skills that they have, what abilities and what they're good at. People who are good at sales, discussing with people, explaining coverages, or talking somebody into something. Those people should be in sales or also managing accounts, they need to have good decision making abilities, and also the ability to have a conversation with somebody and help them to understand the value of the product that you're selling.
That's a different skill set than people who are good at tasks, people who are good at having a list of things to do, and just getting them done and that's a completely different skill set. One is not better than the other, they're just different. You need both of them to be successful in your business.
I get asked all the time, "Beaux, I know how to sell insurance, I know how to manage these accounts, but it's just all the other stuff that we have to do, the applications, the cancellations, the e-sign, just all that stuff. I'm no good at it, I just hate doing it. So what can I do? And then also, if I'm thinking about hiring a virtual assistant, what can I get them to do?" Well, I've got a list. This is a list of things that I have in my agency, my personal lines virtual assistant do. And this is a pretty robust list and I'm willing to share this with you, if you want to email me or message me, I'm happy to share this with you. Here's my list of things that they do and they do this no problem, they enjoy the work that they do. I have given them exactly how to do it with the tutorials and instructions. And they knock it out of the park every day, every week and enjoy doing this.
Number one is manage policy downloads via Ivan's or other sources that we have. When I say that, it makes sure that it connects to the correct client and policy. If a cancellation notice is received, they respond. If it's a home, they see why it's canceled and they will call the mortgage company to see why didn't you pay this and they will make sure that they secure the payment from them. Maybe it changed mortgage carriers, they will get that updated and corrected and make sure that they have the correct insurance policy, insurance information and bills. So they'll pay that if it's EFT, they will see why is it canceling and they will reach out to the client to fix the issue. Maybe it's a credit card or maybe it's bank account information, whatever it is, they'll take care of fixing that. What if it's not renewal, underwriting, cancellations or other cancellations, they will research and then notify the account manager so they can then respond to that situation.
The next thing that they do is the E sign process. For us, we have a policy and procedures that we use as well as a form process that they use and they do it and knock it out of the park, they will compile the documents that they have that are needed for the different policies that we write, they'll send it to the client, they'll text the client to follow up to make sure that they see it so they can get it sent, we get 95% of them back within within the first hour that we sent it because we use this process, they will follow up with the client until they get all those documents signed, then they will also send out the documents that are necessary to all different parties to the mortgage company, to the lien holder, to the insured, to whoever that needs something from us. Also, we handle the breakup inside of my insurance agency. So they will send a letter to the other insurance agency or company asking them to cancel the policy that they had before. Then they will follow up to make sure with the client if they take care of the E sign process. Then whatever they get the documents and they will break them out and send to whatever carrier they need. Like if it's PIP forms, EFT forms whatever they need to do they take care of that 100%. You think your account managers and your producers want to do that? I can assure you not, if you think they do, you're kidding yourself.
They also take care of the renewal reviews and requotes. You can do two different ways you can either, one just have them watching your renewals and then based off a percentage or something like that, requote the renewals for you and then present it to your staff. We do that and we present it in an Excel spreadsheet to the account manager so that they can just look at it and just with glance, know, if they need to leave it alone or present it to the client.
Also, we can do something like where we do a review, depending on the account, we'll do one or the other. If it's just a review, we'll take it and we'll compare it against our coverage standards, the virtual assistant will see how do they match up and they'll fill out this this website that we've put together, that basically is a template, and it will let the account manager know where they're at, the coverage they're missing and the coverage standards that we'd like to get them to. The account manager can decide, take a look at quoting with the current carrier, the options, and see if we can present it to them and see if we can get them up to our cover standards, maybe route out accounts, maybe get liability limits up to where they need to be. They also take care of the remarketing for us. Like I said, present that to as a as a producer.
The last two things are that they can call mortgage companies just to chase down or renewals, whatever payments are kind of talked about a little bit, but they take care of all that mortgage relationship. And then lastly, they will just handle miscellaneous endorsements payments, other things like that, just those different one off things that someone will call to the account manager and talk to them about that we can then dish off to the virtual assistant. They can take care of that and make sure that they process it, file it into the system and do a follow up to make sure that is done correctly and accurately. Because again, they're good at those things. Remember what I talked about the beginning, you got different employees that have different skill sets, and they are different. They're just gifted by God differently and people who are good at sales need to be doing sales, people who are good at managing accounts and retaining accounts, they need to do those things. Those people who are good at managing data, completing forms, taking care of tasks and checklists, they need to be doing that. If you can delegate these different things to different people. Everybody's much happier, much more successful in your business.