Zapier Automation: Ezlynx to Microsoft Excel Database

What is the purpose of Ezlynx Database:

Database from EZLynx are used to track policies for both Personal Lines and Commercial Lines. These will be entered through an Excel file and it should automatically add or update applicants information.

Steps on how to create the database:

Create two separate Excel files titled as "Ezlynx Database" and "Ezlynx Commercial Database" this is where we want our Personal and Commercial Lines Applicants to be stored.

Note: In creating a database through an Excel file, it is important to define the table headers for our database.

Click here to get Excel Files Templates:

  • Once the Excel files are ready, go to Zapier ( and Create Zap.

  • Title the zap as "Database: Personal Lines to All other Spreadsheet".

Step1: Set-up Trigger

  • Add Ezlynx as a Trigger of automation.
  • In the Event, choose "Modified Applicant"; this will be the trigger of the whole automation.

  • Choose an Ezlynx Account.
  • Test trigger and Continue.

Step 2: Set-up Action

As you continue building the automation, you will be prompted to choose an Action; this will happen after the trigger.

  • Add Microsoft Excel.
  • In the Event choose "Find Row"; this will check if the information retrieved in the trigger does exist to the database.

  • Choose an Excel Account.

In the Set up action tab you will be required to select the Excel file directory you have created for the database.

  • Fill up the Folder, Spreadsheet, & Worksheet boxes according to your Excel file directory.
  • Select Applicant ID under Lookup Column; this will serve as the identifier you want to look up in the database.
  • Select ID under Lookup Value.

  • Click the Checkbox "Create Microsoft Excel if it doesn't exist yet?"

In this section, you would want to add a new Applicant information if the "ID" does not exist in the database.

Note: It is important to add the Values of each corresponding boxes.

  • Test Action and Continue.

Step 3: Set-up Action

By this point the Automation is not yet complete. We need to add another Action if the previous action was able to look up/match an Applicant ID from the Database.

  • Click the Plus sign and Add Microsoft Excel.
  • In the Event choose "Update Row"

  • Choose an Excel Account.

  • Fill up the "Folder, Spreadsheet, & Worksheet" boxes according to your Excel file directory.
  • Select ID under Row; this is the identifier of the row you want to update.

Note: It is also important to add the Values of each boxes.