Don’t find yourself, invent yourself

Don’t find yourself, invent yourself

A friend of mine, Jake Ferrara, said this one day, “Don’t find yourself, invent yourself.” It’s a simple phrase but carries profound truth. We live in an era where people often embark on quests to “find themselves,” and that sounds noble at first. But too often, it becomes a convenient excuse for stagnation. “This is just who I am,” they say, as if the personality traits they uncover are set in stone, not to be improved or evolved.

The harsh reality? When we dig deep into ourselves, we might not always like what we find. It’s uncomfortable to face our flaws, our bad habits, or the areas where we consistently fall short. But discomfort shouldn’t signal defeat. Instead, it should be the spark that ignites change.

If you don’t like what you see, then change it. It’s that simple. No one is obligated to be the same person they were yesterday, and it’s certainly not “fake” to strive for something better than what you are right now. It’s called motivation. It’s called drive. It’s the energy that pushes you to transform not just who you are but who you could be.

The truth is, we’re all capable of becoming something more. Every day is a new opportunity to invent, improve, and push the boundaries of what we thought possible for ourselves. Don’t let past versions of you define what’s possible. Instead, dare to be better than you are today.

Jake’s words are a reminder that the future isn’t merely discovered—it’s created. Your tomorrow is shaped by your imagination, fueled by your effort. So don’t just wander in search of “who you are.” Instead, take charge. Set your sights on who you want to be, and build toward that vision every single day.

Don’t find yourself, invent yourself.